Saturday, May 27, 2006
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Ahoi Monoheidi
"Wenn ich nicht hier bin, bin ich auf'm Sonnendeck
(Bin ich, bin ich, bin ich)
Oder im Solarium, oder am Radar
Und wenn ich nicht hier bin, bin ich auf'm Sonnendeck
(Bin ich auf'm Sonnendeck)
Oder im Aquarium
(Bin ich, bin ich, bin ich)
Und alles was ist dauert drei Sekunden
Eine Sekunde für vorher, eine für nachher, eine für mittendrin
Für da wo der Gletscher kalbt, wo die Sekunden ins blaue Meer fliegen
Und wenn ich nicht hier bin, bin ich auf'm Sonnendeck
(Bin ich auf'm Sonnendeck)
Und wenn ich nicht hier bin, bin ich auf'm Sonnendeck
(Bin ich auf'm Sonnendeck) "

Denn da kann man neuerdings sein. Auf dem Sonnendeck der Monoheidi. Und ab Samstag (meine Bitten wurden erhört) gibts da was zu essen. Denn all die Wannabe-Sailors, Sylt!-weil-meine-Eltern-da-ein-Haus-haben-, Blau-Weiß-gestreift-Kinder und St.Tropez-Kenner, die es in Aachen gibt (also 3, genauso viele wie schätzungsweise auf dem Sonnendeck Platz haben) wollen nach ihrem Törn auf dem Annuntiatenbach anständig verpflegt werden.

Der entscheidende Vorteil gegenüber einer richtigen Yacht ist: Das Monoheidi Sonnendeck kann man jederzeit verlassen. Um sich im Park noch was sonnen zu gehen und "gechillt paar Bier zu zischen". Denn man ehrlich. So sind die Aachener doch. Und daran kann auch die urbane Monoheidi nur schwer rütteln. Was nicht heißt, dass es nicht cool sein kann, am Samstag noch vor der maritimen Mottoparty paar Snacks auf der M.S. Monoheidi mitzunehmen.
(Bin ich, bin ich, bin ich)
Oder im Solarium, oder am Radar
Und wenn ich nicht hier bin, bin ich auf'm Sonnendeck
(Bin ich auf'm Sonnendeck)
Oder im Aquarium
(Bin ich, bin ich, bin ich)
Und alles was ist dauert drei Sekunden
Eine Sekunde für vorher, eine für nachher, eine für mittendrin
Für da wo der Gletscher kalbt, wo die Sekunden ins blaue Meer fliegen
Und wenn ich nicht hier bin, bin ich auf'm Sonnendeck
(Bin ich auf'm Sonnendeck)
Und wenn ich nicht hier bin, bin ich auf'm Sonnendeck
(Bin ich auf'm Sonnendeck) "

Denn da kann man neuerdings sein. Auf dem Sonnendeck der Monoheidi. Und ab Samstag (meine Bitten wurden erhört) gibts da was zu essen. Denn all die Wannabe-Sailors, Sylt!-weil-meine-Eltern-da-ein-Haus-haben-, Blau-Weiß-gestreift-Kinder und St.Tropez-Kenner, die es in Aachen gibt (also 3, genauso viele wie schätzungsweise auf dem Sonnendeck Platz haben) wollen nach ihrem Törn auf dem Annuntiatenbach anständig verpflegt werden.

Der entscheidende Vorteil gegenüber einer richtigen Yacht ist: Das Monoheidi Sonnendeck kann man jederzeit verlassen. Um sich im Park noch was sonnen zu gehen und "gechillt paar Bier zu zischen". Denn man ehrlich. So sind die Aachener doch. Und daran kann auch die urbane Monoheidi nur schwer rütteln. Was nicht heißt, dass es nicht cool sein kann, am Samstag noch vor der maritimen Mottoparty paar Snacks auf der M.S. Monoheidi mitzunehmen.
Thursday, May 11, 2006

+Top View über die vorbeilaufenden Jungs in der Mittagspause.
"Haste den gesehn?"
"Nee, wo?"
"Da, in dem hellen Hemd."
"Krass, voll der Puddingarsch."
"Oh. Ja!"
"aber guck mal da, geiles Shirt!"
"Boah, ich muss mich mal auf den anderen Stuhl da setzen..., ich seh hier nix..."

+ Eine Schale Milchkaffee kostet 2,50

+ V.I.P.-Feeling, weil sich der Kellner nur um dich kümmert. Die anderen sitzen unten auf den Minihockern der Molkerei.

+Rückzugsmöglichkeit in den Havana-esken Bereich der Cocktailbar.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
*chants*: I'm so cre-a-tive to-day....
I just had a big bowl of café latte and then a genious though obvious thought came to my mind: Starbucks is named Starbucks because the Barista makes you feel like a star (come on: you get a named coffee cup!) - but to get a decent coffee you have to hand him at least three bucks. I think it's tragic. Starbucks is kinda my coffee relationship. Lately a troubled, sad, to-be-ended relationship. I tell you why:
My common choice is a "to-go tall extra-hot low-fat Latte". Has always been. I don't know why it's the middle size. I think the short Latte is too small and grande is hard to pronounce. Is it English? Is it Italian? I'll rather stick with the tall Latte. And extra-hot is necessary for I like to wander the streets of Aachen with my coffee and don't want it to be too cold too soon. And I don't like the coffee mugs at Starbucks. That's why it's to-go. Unfortunately, the Starbucks Company decided to increase their prices. My "to-go tall extra-hot low-fat Latte" costs now 3 Euros instead of 2,90. That's one thing. Plus, they've canceled their bonus card system which was technically the only thing that convinced me that the prices at Starbucks weren't too expensive at all.

I love Starbucks - but it disappointed me more than one time. My friends say I should end it. And I'm torn between quitting and staying. On good, strong days I tell myself there's more coffee chains in the sea but sometimes the green and white logo drags me in, telling me that it's just one last coffee, that I don't have to come often, just every now and then, that I need this one... and I fall for it again.
And then there are these Barista who not only customize your beverage but also personalize it by writing your name on the beverage. By flirting with you like you were the only steady customer. By just looking cute.
However. I think I have to end it. I just can't be in this relationship any longer.
Bye non-smoking area. Bye perfectly customized coffee. Bye sofas. Bye cute Australians coming by every sunday. Bye perfectly clean restrooms. Oh's hard. I think I have to come back for a proper goodbye....
btw. You're wondering why this is in English? oh c'mon! It's Starbucks! Even your order will be translated there. And, yes, even at Starbucks Nürnberg it will be.
I just had a big bowl of café latte and then a genious though obvious thought came to my mind: Starbucks is named Starbucks because the Barista makes you feel like a star (come on: you get a named coffee cup!) - but to get a decent coffee you have to hand him at least three bucks. I think it's tragic. Starbucks is kinda my coffee relationship. Lately a troubled, sad, to-be-ended relationship. I tell you why:
My common choice is a "to-go tall extra-hot low-fat Latte". Has always been. I don't know why it's the middle size. I think the short Latte is too small and grande is hard to pronounce. Is it English? Is it Italian? I'll rather stick with the tall Latte. And extra-hot is necessary for I like to wander the streets of Aachen with my coffee and don't want it to be too cold too soon. And I don't like the coffee mugs at Starbucks. That's why it's to-go. Unfortunately, the Starbucks Company decided to increase their prices. My "to-go tall extra-hot low-fat Latte" costs now 3 Euros instead of 2,90. That's one thing. Plus, they've canceled their bonus card system which was technically the only thing that convinced me that the prices at Starbucks weren't too expensive at all.

I love Starbucks - but it disappointed me more than one time. My friends say I should end it. And I'm torn between quitting and staying. On good, strong days I tell myself there's more coffee chains in the sea but sometimes the green and white logo drags me in, telling me that it's just one last coffee, that I don't have to come often, just every now and then, that I need this one... and I fall for it again.
And then there are these Barista who not only customize your beverage but also personalize it by writing your name on the beverage. By flirting with you like you were the only steady customer. By just looking cute.
However. I think I have to end it. I just can't be in this relationship any longer.
Bye non-smoking area. Bye perfectly customized coffee. Bye sofas. Bye cute Australians coming by every sunday. Bye perfectly clean restrooms. Oh's hard. I think I have to come back for a proper goodbye....
btw. You're wondering why this is in English? oh c'mon! It's Starbucks! Even your order will be translated there. And, yes, even at Starbucks Nürnberg it will be.